Monday, May 14, 2007

i [really] cant cook

let me recall my cooking adventures today:

I came home from uni at 2:00pm. Mum told me to microwave (okay so this story isn't even about cooking, but microwaving) the leftover porridge for 2 minutes. So I did, and it came out looking a bit like kueh.

I asked mum for help, but she was rushing off to the airport, so she just said "microwave half a cup of chicken soup for two minutes, pour it in, and stir. heat up the fish as well!" I did that, but somehow there was waaaay too much chicken soup. So I got a spoon and drank what I approximated to be excess soup.

Then I dumped the fish in. I don't know how it ended up tasting fishy (mum says it's because I didn't break it up into smaller pieces first), and in all the drama I forgot to add the light sauce. But at least I wasn't hungry.

The world is littered with unfinished visions, and is not life such a vision? And is not the finishing of any thing a little death?
