Monday, September 13, 2010

why worry

"worrying is putting faith in the world, not in God."- anonymous (actually, I've just forgotten)

recently, i have been quite occupied with worrying. about:
- my studies, specifically EXAMs
- a presentation i was meant to give at grand rounds
- all the other stuff i have to do: visa, vaccinations, birthdays, assessments
- worrying

the last one may seem strange, but my bible study group is starting a video series by Andy Stanley, called "why worry". and i know that i have been worrying, and that it shows that i am lacking in faith, and that i should really stop worrying. which is why i'm worrying about the fact that i've been so busy worrying. (so much that i considered not showing up for bible study.)

i will take point number #2 as an example. three weeks ago, i was worrying about an evidence based medicine (EBM) group presentation, which is our obs&gynae assessments. simon and i were sick with sore throats, and i remember asking my cell group to pray for our health.

it turned out that we did so well for our presentation that we were called back to present at the hospital's grand rounds. this led to another 3 weeks of stressing, because this time we'd have to present in front of a lot more people, the vast majority of whom were infinitely more knowledgeable than us.

but really, i needn't have spent the past three weeks rehearsing my part while half asleep in bed, because i received an email this morning saying that there were no available time slots, and that we no longer have to present. i can't believe i spent the past 3 weeks worrying, and we don't have to present after all!!!

this morning when i opened my closet, i was greeted with various shades of grey/black. ugh- what a sight for a lovely spring day! it made me think of Matthew 6:28-29:
"And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin.
And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." (KJV)

1 comment:

  1. For all my agnosticism, I'm glad I can still appreciate the poetry of the Bible. Thanks.

    Also, please stop worrying about worrying (I do that too, but probably for different reasons). I'd rather you spend those moments resting (your eyes, brain, body, whatever needs it). I know med's not easy, but we're here for you when you need us.


The world is littered with unfinished visions, and is not life such a vision? And is not the finishing of any thing a little death?
