Saturday, March 26, 2011

the sending (update)

So it looks like the sending will be published this year. Of course, the release date was postponed, so I have returned all my lovely bright orange-spined books to their place on my bookshelf. To be resurrected during my rural posting, perhaps?

Fleshing out all threads and the promise of another book, how exciting! Isobelle Carmody really is a faithful author, and for that I am faithful to her writing, haha.

Meanwhile, uni is really tiring me. A combination of long hours, inconvenient transport, and dodgy timetabling. So far, the successful cannula count is -wait for it- ONE. But everybody needs to start somewhere, okay, so don't ask me what percentage hit rate that is.

This afternoon, I will be going to the second installment of a series on biblical manhood, womanhood, and courtship. It's really starting to feel like I am over-intellectualising, or being over-educated on the matter.

And yet, still there is nothing of that elusive beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit (1 Peter 3:4).

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The world is littered with unfinished visions, and is not life such a vision? And is not the finishing of any thing a little death?
