Sunday, February 2, 2014

new beginnings

Gong xi fa cai! I woke up at 3am this morning, evidently still quite jet lagged from a wonderful 2.5 weeks away on holiday with my family. There was a great mix of shopping, sightseeing, eating, and outdoor recreational activities.

As of tomorrow, I'll be starting a new job in a different setting. The feeling is a curious mix of excitement and unfamiliarity, somewhat reminiscent of the final weeks of summer leading up to my pre-clinical years of university. Even the weather reminds me of O-week. Accordingly, my thoughts have drifted towards the same sorts of tasks- preparing my stationery, printing my timetable, planning appropriate transportation, deciding what to wear, and obtaining a diary.

I do have a smart phone (with a calendar app), but it doesn't display all the information I need in the same way. Plus I've always enjoyed the act of writing- even during university my notes were mostly handwritten. Before i started working full-time, I would travel to Singapore at the end of every year to visit friends and family. There I would also pick up one of my aunt's free personal banking diaries, or purchase my own (usually of the Sanrio variety). This year, I headed to my local newsagency and was absolutely delighted to discover the Cumberland Student Planner Diary for a very reasonable $5.45.

This diary is perfect in every way- from my favourite B5 size, a simple week view layout, and the all important homework page. I've always been a big fan-girl of my old school diary, and to my mind a diary just isn't complete without a to-do page. The only thing that's lacking is a picture of Kiki and Lala on the front.

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The world is littered with unfinished visions, and is not life such a vision? And is not the finishing of any thing a little death?
