Thursday, June 17, 2010

wedding mania

watching us, you'd think we were part of some sort of reality tv show.

there is a distinct impression that each family is competing (in a friendly way) against the others to see who is best dressed. or rather, nobody wants to be worst dressed. shopping trips (and believe me, these have been numerous) are a family affair, with every spare man giving their advice on whether this shirt looks good with that tie, this necklace with that dress.

some of the dieting techniques have not been so conventional. take the other day, for instance, where my mother was encouraging me to eat some of the papaya from our garden.

mum: "eat papaya. then tomorrow morning go toilet. then diarrhoea. then your stomach flat."

i think it is just that my seamstress must have envisioned me being motivated to lose weight (and perhaps also grow three inches taller) by her ambitious tailoring. i suspect i am going to end up sweeping the dance floor with my dress.

emails are flying back and forth through cyberspace. there are four hundred guests, but still we have managed to keep it pretty much a family affair. the wedding is next sunday, and my academic leave only commences the friday before. it shall make for a very interesting whirlwind of hair appointments, DIY nail sessions, and rehearsals.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO quote of the day goes to mum: "eat papaya. then tomorrow morning go toilet. then diarrhoea. then your stomach flat."


The world is littered with unfinished visions, and is not life such a vision? And is not the finishing of any thing a little death?
